OFSTED Inspection Report

Pupils enjoy coming to school to learn and play. The strong focus on values underpins all areas of school life. Pupils are eager to show these values, such as cooperation and sharing, whenever they can. The FLOURISH approach (friendly, learning, open, understanding, relational, independent, safe and happy) encourages everyone to look after one another. This helps pupils to feel happy and safe. They know that there are adults who will help them if they have any worries.

Pupils enjoy their learning because teachers are knowledgeable and make lessons interesting. Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. They understand and respond well to adults’ high expectations.

Pupils enjoy various enrichment experiences, through, for example, the museum, art gallery and immersive room. There are many clubs available, including for sports, music and the arts.

Pupils contribute well to school life. They participate as school parliament members, play leaders, museum curators and reading buddies. These experiences help to prepare pupils for the next stage of their education. Parents and carers are supportive of the school. One who summed up the views of many commented, ‘a wonderful school where both my children have thrived’.