Our 'Connected Curriculum' overview shows the aims for our whole school curriculum and our intent for the children of Shefford Lower School. As a school, we have designed our curriculum to show the progression of objectives and skills across a child's time with us, providing the knowledge, core skills and values needed to ready them for their next steps in learning and life. 

Mr Wakefield leads the curriculum development in our school in his position of Deputy Head Teacher, and he is always happy to take suggestions or answer any queries. We welcome your contributions. 

If you wish to find out more, please contact the school office on 01462 629123 who will be happy to help you.

Our 'Connected Curriculum Map' at Shefford Lower School is progressive and has been mapped out to ensure we have vertical, horizontal and diagonal links between our subjects to give our children knowledge and create effective schemes for learning. Our 'Connected Curriculum' organises the learning standards set out in the National Curriculum amd aims to give all children a coherent learning journey which is both, knowledge rich, relevant and memorable. 

Subject leaders work together across the curriculum and have produced a one page 'Curriculum Coherence Document' for each subject, which aims to summarise our Intent, Implementation and Impact as well as the vocabulary, reading opportunities and prior/next steps in learning for each term, across all year groups,

Our 'Coherence Documents' make the language and links necessary for engaging with knowledge explicit and consider carefully how children learn and what they need for future phases of their learning journey. Our close links with feeder schools enable us to ensure that children's experiences are well matched to future learning, and that opportunities are created to maximise potential. 

We are constantly reviewing and monitoring our curriculum to ensure we have these links and that they are effective and as relevant as they can be to produce broad and balanced coverage and interconnected learning. 

The intial delivery of our 'Connected Curriculum' has been interrupted by the Covid-related lockdowns. This means that the evolution of these documents will continue to be under review to ensure that children experience the broadest range of knowledge and connections.

Each subject area listed below is interconnected, and yet discreet. Children will learn about subject specialisms and see how knowledge can be transferred and utilised across a broad and balanced curriculum, whilst also understanding the skills and importance of each subject. 

Our vision for the curriculum goes beyond the subject specialisms, and is underpinned bya a framework in which our school values, leadership ethics and the drive for pupils to flourish are established. 

We welcome the partnerships we have within our community and our families and look for ways to share these through local experiences. Through a 'work together' ethos, we foster the belief that we can achieve anything.

We know that when children  BELIEVE, then they can ACHIEVE with every step of their learning to SUCCEED throughout as life long learners. This is our motto.