School Lunches
Children have the choice of a hot school meal or a packed lunch, provided by our caterers Alliance in Partnership. Please see a letter from our caterers and the current menu below. Reception, Year 1 and 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals, from Year 3 to 4 meals are paid via the Parentpay system, cash or cheque made payable to AIP Ltd. These cost £2.40. Alternatively children can bring in a packed lunch from home.
AIP Welcome Letter
Autumn & Spring Term Menu
Alliance In Partnership at Shefford Lower School has once again been awarded the Five Star Food Hygiene Rating by the Environmental Health

Free School Meals
If you think your child may be entitled to Free School Meals please see the below link for more information. Children entitled to free school meals are also funded through their education. It is vital to your child's fullest potential that you register your eligibility whether you intend for your child to eat a school meal or not.
Free School Meals