Music Vision Statement

At Shefford Lower School we believe that the implementation of music provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience that will fulfil personal and academic achievements. Pupils will get the opportunity to learn an instrument, perform to an audience and enhance their music overall music knowledge.

At Shefford Lower School we teach the children to:

  • Listen and appraise a variety of different genres and historical pieces. Children will be able to understand the musical elements within each piece.
  • Explore a range of instruments, notation and rhythmic patterns.
  • Engage in musical conversation, commenting on specific likes and dislikes in relation to music . This will include the use of key music terminology.


The Music Curriculum

We use a variety of techniques to encourage children to have an active engagement towards music. Music is taught in a variety of ways, ensuring children can appreciate the different elements and layers which define music. Children learn instruments throughout their time at Shefford, listen and appraise different genres, learn notation and rhythm patterns, understand key musical vocabulary and compose their own pieces of music comprising all of what they have learnt.

We make lessons as enjoyable as possible so that the children develop a holistic understanding of music. We hope that children flourish within at least one specific element in relation to music, whether this is appraising music, playing an instrument or composing their own piece. Music assemblies occur weekly and focus on a key term each month, this vocabulary is then woven into music lessons and used confidently to analyse and express musical ideas. Our in house peripatetic teacher offers her expertise throughout all year groups and assembles numerous extra-curricular groups for all pupils.




YEAR 1   YEAR 2   YEAR 3   YEAR 4