Please find below, useful information about our uniform expectations and handy photos to refer to when purchasing uniform for Shefford Lower School.
ALL uniform must be named.
School Uniform finance This is available to parents who qualify and meet the criteria for Free School Meals. No child will be disciplined for non-compliance because of their particular cultural, race or religious dress code.
Our school uniform can be purchased through Price & Buckland - click here. Photos of our unifrom can be seen below.
Children should wear their P.E. kit to school on days when they are having their P.E. lessons. PE: Children can wear their PE kit for the day on their allocated PE lesson. Boys and girls wear black shorts and plain house t-shirts for PE with black, white or coloured trainers. Black jogging bottoms and plain black sweatshirts/hoodies will be needed for outdoor activities. Year 3 children will need swimming kits.
House colours: Your child will be allocated a house group by the school office upon admission. Each house is designated a colour, which your child will wear for PE and sporting events. Earth House - Green Air House - White Fire House - Red Water House – Blue Your child can wear any plain t-shirt of the house colour (no branding please)
Forest School: Children can wear suitable mufti clothes for an outdoor environment which covers their arms and legs. If you need to send items into school, we recommend a named draw-string bag.
Children should not wear any jewellery to school.
Smartwatches, internet enabled watches or watches that take photographs are not allowed to be worn by pupils in school
All children should also bring a refillable water bottle to school every day.
For more information please click on the link which will take you to our school uniform policy
School Uniform Policy
The PSA also sell good quality pre loved second-hand uniform. A uniform rack is located in the reception area.

The pictures below may help when purchasing uniform from our supplier Buckland Search for shefford lower school